Tuesday 12 October 2010

Time to get the de-icers out!

Summer is officially over.

Yes, that’s the depressing statement for this morning, as I stepped outside to head off to work today, never mind the X Factor – the chill factor has arrived, and it looks set to stay throughout winter – hold on a minute what happened to autumn??

A very bizarre last few days here in Chester, as the blue skies dominated, and everyone was happy, this was something to rejoice as we don’t often get sustained periods of sunshine in this country!

But what has happened to Autumn, seriously?

No time for singing “Those autumn leaves lie undisturbed now…”, no, it’s more like “Frost the Snowman” as the temperatures start to plummet, and those de-icer alarm bells start to ring out, yes it’s time to get the stock of blue capped spray tins again, and get up five minutes early to enjoy the crap routine that is getting rid of the frost / ice on the car windows – always a depressing time.

It feels okay for the first day, but when you experience the 27th day in a row of having to do this, it becomes a tad tiresome.

Right then, get those extra layers on, out comes the electric blanket, and time to go and make a hot chocolate – winter is here!


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