Tuesday 3 November 2009

Now it's good for you to be grumpy!!

Well rather bizarrely after blogging about depression being caused by eating processed foods yesterday, today i see a news report that being grumpy is actually good for you!

I'm sorry but surely that has to be a load of crap!

When has being grumpy led to you feeling great?

Do we all really believe that if everyone on planet earth suddenly became grumpy then the world would be a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race... Oops sorry, slipped into michael jackson mode there for a minute!

But seriously, would it be a better place?

I doubt it somehow, and there's enough miserable people out there already!

What makes you grumpy though? Anything in particular?

I have to say that probably having no money is the one thing that puts me in that kind of mood, but its something i can snap out of pretty quickly and lets face it the wife would tell me anyway!

So that's todays 'what the hell???' blog!


  1. There are many, you know. Let me mention few of them- 1)No money, 2) No friend 3) No one to alk with 4) Slow internet connection (curretly I am working with 54 KBPS.
    Nice post again.
    Thank you.
    Tito Dutta.

  2. Could you post a link to the article? I'd be interested in reading it. And Tito, stop by my blog and we can talk as long as you want :-). Unless you meant walk, in which case...I dunno, it's hard to do that on the Internet.

  3. I get real grumpy when I'm hungry. I'm off to get something to eat now, damn it

  4. Wow Jeff, why aren't you on my blog alarm any more?
    I got so grumpy once that I had to drink three six packs just to get a smile, but I also forgot why I was grumpy, I think it was because I ran out of beer, now I'm getting grumpy allover again

  5. I'm just a grumpus by nature -- that's one of my many nicknames. Haha. I suppose some of the best way to get me grumpy are to wake me up from a good sleep, expect me to eat something I don't like, be broke, have too much noise around, or just be bothered while I'm into something. Breathing does it sometimes, too. Haha.
